Let's Get Cookin'

Recipes and More

Seaweeds are a nutritious and versatile kitchen ingredient. They can be added to a variety of dishes as a star-ingredient or as a subtle flavor or texture enhancer. Maine seaweeds are available in diverse forms for cooks of all experience - from ready-to-use products to dried blades and flakes ready to be incorporated into your favorite dishes. Seaweeds are a natural food that fits within major food trends like plant-based protien and climate-friendly foods, for eaters of all kinds. Seaweeds are known for lending nuanced, complex flavors to dishes, plus provide unique nutritional benefits & concentrated marine micronutrients.

Learn the basics of preparing kelp and explore the links below, featuring our favorite recipe pages from Maine seaweed experts! Among these pages you'll find recipes like kelp ribollita, dulse and avocado salad, seaweed corn chowder, crunchy chicken and fermented seaweed salad, spicy kelp cornbread muffins, 5-minute miso soups, and more!

The Basics: Preparing and Storing Kelp

Check out these handy kitchen cards for tips and tricks on preparing kelp in your kitchen! Click on each card to view and download the full-sized cards (5.5x8 inches) to have on hand.